The project that I have chosen to review critically through reflect on my discipline (construction management and property) is the Fuel Tank of assignment 2. This reflection will outline matters that I have had difficulties with as well as skills/ knowledge I have gained through out the course.

In the process of making the fuel tank out of 9 members only 3 were from other disciplines (interior design and architecture) and the other 6 were students of construction management including myself. We were rather fortunate to have some students from different disciplines because if we had not we would have had to learn how to use the software (Rhino and Grasshopper) available for this project.
The weakness of little or no knowledge (for others) of these software brought a great challenge.
This gave us the opportunity to explore and share everyone’s skills and knowledge and then allocating tasks accordingly.
Collaborating (through BIM) with students from other disciplines in digital processes to enable productivity through design and planning made the processes effectively sufficient. For instant, designing and planning the pieces/parts required to assemble the fuel tank template.

This process is rather challenging compared to previous skills used in making especially The Bowl (which has a lot of similarity in processes) . The bowl required us to Laser cut The Bowl template containing a sequence of rings as a guide for the shape and a radius gauge to test the bowl’s radius and how much is left to complete. This was challenging because both the Bowl template (shape guide) and radius gauge (radius guide) were pre-cut for us to use. So we knew how they were made/cut but we did not know the process, but with the fuel tank we had to cut and assemble the template.

Bowl Template                                Bowl Radius Gauge

Fuel Tank Templates assembled

At the end not only did I understand the design processes and the skills required to best do this project, I also gained skills and knowledge in the processes of BIM which I can in future projects apply to.


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